Peter Ryding, CEO and founder of ground-breaking AI Coaching and Performance Management System, Vic Your Coach, welcomes new funding announced in the Chancellor’s speech

Yesterday’s budget speech announced new support and funding for innovation.  Leading AI Entrepreneur and CEO coaching expert Peter Ryding welcomed the Chancellor’s plans to review the R&D Tax Relief scheme, as well as the introduction of the new ‘Help to Grow’ scheme and the new Future Fund scheme, saying:

“These schemes are exactly the boost that Britain�s businesses need. Innovation is at the heart of our economy, and is often driven by exciting new SMEs pushing the boundaries of the art and science of what�s
possible.  Our business is combining ground breaking A.I. technologies such as �Psych-Tech(R)� and �1-clickology(TM)� – and winning global awards – handy as our business has ambitious future plans for overseas expansion.”

�Investment in bleeding edge technology gives the UK a real competitive advantage, however it is a risk for businesses because sometimes it doesn�t work.  I welcome Rishi�s appreciation of the need to encourage more R&D investment from British SMEs , as this will help the UK take the lead, boosting the UK economy and creating revenue from future corporation tax payments that the government so desperately needs to repay the continued COVID crisis borrowing.”

Lisa Baker

Author Lisa Baker

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