A unique e-coaching app is celebrating awards success after being shortlisted for the�Best HR/L&D supplier category in the�CIPD People Management Awards 2020.

VIC, the Coach in Your Pocket is an e-coaching app which uses AI to deliver a personalised coaching experience, taking e-learning a stage further.

The app has taken years in development, and is based on the coaching skills and knowledge of award-winning CEO Coach Peter Ryding.

Peter explains:

“Vic Your Coach enables companies to deliver tailored coaching to suit every individual across the business, adapted to their individual skill sets.

“Using AI to deliver coach-like assessments and behaviour, the app tailors knowledge and reinforces thinking like a traditional coach but costs a fraction of traditional coaching,� This enables employers to cultivate desired behaviours and develop soft skills and management thinking across their entire team, whereas traditional coaching is normally reserved for C-suite and senior leaders due to the cost.� For employers, this creates a natural succession plan and the built-in assessment tools also delivers an objective way for HR to measure soft skills and abilities across their team.

“Feedback so far has been incredible, and through our extensive contact with HR leaders, we have also created a new mentoring club exclusively for HR Directors, where I deliver weekly group coaching sections and webinars free of charge, where HR Directors can also network with each other and where we can help them develop the skills they need to be a formidable presence in the boardroom, supporting the CEO and effecting real change in their organisations from the top down.

“It’s an absolute honour to be shortlisted and the VIC team is excited and looking forward to the Awards now.”

To learn more about VIC, please visit�https://vicyourcoach.com/

Lisa Baker

Author Lisa Baker

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