Oxfordshire e-coaching specialist Vic Your Coach is celebrating after being reaching the finals for a total of 8 prestigious HR awards this year – and being commended in 2 of them.

The company, whose AI emulated coaching tool is based on the experience and skills of CEO coach Peter Ryding, has stepped up their support for HRDs, Senior Finance Professionals and CEOs since the pandemic began, with Peter personally facilitating free weekly webinars,  think tank events and live support, as well as offering free access to the Vic Your Coach platform for both Directors and staff.

Peter Ryding, a former serial turnaround CEO and business author who has coached top Directors like Brian Moore O�Ferrall, Director of British Telecom, and Steve Spencer, Director at Apple, HMV and Tiffany, explains:

“In every VUCA situation, certain businesses will thrive and succeed, despite facing seemingly insurmountable challenges.  In my experience, both as a serial turnaround CEO and later in my coaching career, I’ve noted that the businesses that thrive do so because of the strategy and leadership skills adopted by board members – and working as a board-level coach for many years now, coaching these skills to my clients has played a valuable role in helping them build resilience in their organisations.”

Peter knows a thing or two about strategy – while his business strategy skills have achieved praise from Dragon’s Den star Theo Paphitis, the charismatic CEO also earned himself the title of Wargaming World Champion earlier this year!  Peter explains that with the right strategy, businesses can survive and thrive, despite the challenging conditions posed by COVID-19.  Peter says:

“Early on in the pandemic, we identified the critical skills and strategy that would be essential for business leaders to help their business adapt and grow, and we understood the vital role HRDs would play in this.  We decided to create a unique free programme for HR leaders called the HRD Pathfinder Club, which combines group coaching via webinars, e-coaching via our emulated coaching tool and group discussions, think tanks and workshops, developing skills that HR can then share with other business leaders and their employees.  While our goal is to support businesses during the pandemic, it will also help HRDs in their future career – given the calibre of the participants, I’m confident we are creating future CEOs – but we’ve worked with finance professionals too.

My CIMA webinar received huge praise, with over 96% of delegates expressing satisfaction with the event.  All this support has led to wider exposure for Vic, which I am sure has contributed to the extensive string of nominations and awards shortlists we have received this year.”

  • CIPD Awards – Best HR & L&D Supplier – Finalist
  • HR Excellence Awards – Best HR Technology Strategy – TBA 25.1.21
  • Learning Technologies Awards – Most Innovative HR/L&D Technology – TBA 18/11/20
  • Learning Technologies Awards – Best Learning Technology Project- TBA 18/11/20
  • Learning & Performance Institute Awards – Best Learning Provider – TBA 18/2/21
  • Learning & Performance Institute Awards – Best Learning Technology – TBA 18/2/21
  • Learning & Performance Institute Awards – Best Innovation in Learning – Commended
  • Learning & Performance Institute Awards – Best Learning Solution – Commended

The awards success is the crown on what has been an exceptional year for Peter and the Vic Your Coach team.

Peter says:

“Awards success is very welcome, and even though some of the awards won’t be announced until next year we are naturally excited at the prospect of winning.

“However, for us the biggest measure of success will be the survival of the businesses we have helped this year.  We aren’t out of the woods yet, but it’s certain that there will be businesses who will grow, acquire even better talent and inspire other leaders during the pandemic.  I will be delighted to reflect on having played a role in facilitating that.”

To learn more about Vic Your Coach, or to apply for a free trial, click here: https://vicyourcoach.com/VicYourCoach/Vip/SignUp

Lisa Baker

Author Lisa Baker

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