Experts are warning of the risks employers pose on workforces by underestimating the need for well-rounded health benefits. It comes as recent findings show that just one-fifth of organisations have wellbeing initiatives that integrate mental, physical, financial and social issues whilst linking closely to business strategies.

Though the report from REBA also shows that 92% of employers now have a wellbeing strategy in place, experts at Tictrac, a global employee wellbeing company, advise that more must be done to aid staff health as the majority of organisations are struggling to provide comprehensive support.

Martin Blinder, Founder and CEO of Tictrac, a global health and wellbeing platform, said:

�While it�s positive to see that more organisations are committing to wellbeing programmes, it�s not enough to provide one area of support or siloed, tick-box initiatives.

�The four pillars of wellbeing – mental, physical, social and financial – are all interlinked, meaning that integrated and tailored health plans that target all areas are vital. Employers whose strategies cannot deliver well-rounded insights run the risk of creating ineffective wellbeing programmes.�

Blinder advises that limited initiatives can lead to problems for organisations:

�Firstly, basic initiatives can be disengaging for workforces. Individuals are increasingly selective about the apps and services they use, therefore, wellbeing plans that don�t appeal to a range of employee health concerns or provide seamless user experiences may have lower staff engagement rates.

�Problematically, when workforces are disengaged with wellbeing initiatives, it makes it harder for employers to collect aggregated insights on workforce health data. This information is key so that strategies can be analysed, adjusted and tailored to staff needs.

�Gaining this data is also harder when wellbeing strategies don�t cover all pillars. This is because less-extensive programmes will struggle to provide a complete picture of employee health. On the other hand, organisations that have comprehensive data are enabled to spot exactly where employees are excelling or struggling, after which targeted support can be offered.

�Understanding and recognising these issues in wellbeing programmes is essential in overcoming them. Ultimately, organisations that provide employees with well-rounded health benefits will ensure their wellbeing, productivity and satisfaction so it�s in an employer�s best interest to do so�.

Lisa Baker

Author Lisa Baker

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