The Omnis announced the very first winner of the global remote work awards programme. In the inaugural event, Matthew Wilson, Omnipresent Co-founder, announced Redeemeum as the winner of the Outstanding Recruitment and Talent Acquisition category.

Redeemeum is a company that is building innovative, disruptive technology which aims to decentralise trade and commerce. It needed to recruit programmers and engineers to set themselves apart from the rest of the app builders in the UK. They wanted to be genuine in their recruitment by sharing real information about their company and recruited talent by �building cool stuff in the Metaverse�.

They were the first company ever to advertise in Cryptovoxels, an open-world decentralised gaming environment built on Ethereum blockchain where players can buy land, build stores and create art galleries. Redeemeum created a series of billboards in this�virtual world and metaverse to help target the right candidates.

�We were faced with a truly monumental task; to source, attract and hire some of the most talented and in-demand individuals in the world of information technology,� said Morgan Burger, Redeemeum�s Talent Acquisition Partner, during the event. �In a highly limited talent pool and a number of exciting projects all looking for the same exceptional talent, we had to find innovative ways to differentiate ourselves and provide the best candidate experience possible.� So instead of fighting for the same talent pool as their competitors in the UK, they decided to �change the variables we could control� by extending their search globally for remote talent in the virtual world.

Players of Cryptovoxels could see Redeemeum�s hiring billboards in the spaces they created, then click on them to find out more about the company and the jobs they had available. The team�s strategy was clear, they were looking to create a diversified team. They �made a conscious decision to exclude any questions around gender, or any other demographic factors to ensure that our application process promotes diversity and inclusion.�

Judges of The Omnis thought this virtual world and their approach to diversity and inclusion were especially innovative to reach the people they needed. �This strategy was out of the box and different to any of the other strategies they’d come across in the other submissions,� said Matthew Wilson, Omnipresent Co-founder. �Redeemeum had clearly been creative in their approach to recruitment and judges were impressed by the positive impact this had on the wider business.�

As an Omni Award winner, Redeemeum will receive US$10,000 to spend on Omnipresent services to employ anyone internationally, one free year on the SeedLegals platform, and a year of service with Bryq from the Outstanding Recruitment & Talent Acquisition award sponsors.

The winner of the next Omni category, Outstanding Learning & Development, will be announced next week (November 11) during the live and interactive event with hosts Matt Buckland, DBR Co-Founder, and Nelson Sivalingam, Get How Now CEO, along with panelists Kaleem Clarkson, Blend Me, Inc. COO, Rajeeb Dey, Learnerbly

Founder and CEO, Technology Influencer, Speaker, Author and Digital Consultant, Harold Sinnott, and Danielle Guzman, Mercer Global Head of Social Media. Registration is still available at The Omnis.

Resolving global hiring challenges – Omnipresent

While hiring globally, Redeemeum encountered some challenges to the process. �One of the challenges we encountered is registering a legal entity to hire each individual based on where they live. This was not possible hence we overcame that major hurdle via our partnership with Omnipresent. On top of this, global mobility of talent, different legislation in different locations, promoting the same level of reward and benefits across the globe, while being adaptive to specific countries was a challenge. For example, bank holidays in the UK differ from those in Portugal, but still ensuring an equal amount across all employees is essential.� As a result, they began working with Omnipresent to help manage their global teams.

Lisa Baker

Author Lisa Baker

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