In celebration of International HR Day (20th May), HAWQ � the Health And Wellbeing Quotient, a UK market leader in personalised corporate wellbeing, is offering free HAWQScores for HR professionals across the country.

HR leaders are the backbone of any organisation. Responsible for attracting and hiring new talent to a business, as well as managing vast amounts of data, logistics and liaison to ensure that the business and its staff consistently have what they need to be professionally and personally nurtured, listened to and successful.

HAWQ, the personalised programme for corporate wellbeing, wants to recognise and celebrate the value and positive impact that HR leaders bring to an organisation by offering free HAWQScores to all HR leaders this International HR Day.

HAWQ provides employees with a scientifically calculated health score or �HAWQScore�, an overview of each employee�s current health and wellbeing levels. Followed by bespoke recommendations in the form of education, coaching and workshops on how to make practical and sustainable changes to enhance the score over time.

By enrolling in a HAWQScore health assessment, HAWQ hopes to help HR leaders identify all the ways they can gain support in the key pillars of health including body, mind, nutrition, movement, and sleep.

For HAWQ, celebrating International HR Day means focusing on how HR professionals can take care of themselves and gain the skills needed to thrive both in the workplace and at home.


Livvy Probert, Head of Science and Co-Founder of HAWQ explains, �This May we�re celebrating International HR Day by offering our HAWQScore assessments for free. We truly believe to thrive both at work and at home, an individual needs to be supported holistically with a personal approach. Just as no two humans are the same, no two businesses are the same � so why would you have a one size fits all approach for health and wellbeing?�

�Our approach is both simple and thorough � look at a person in every area of their lifestyle to help provide them with real-time support they can use in work and at home to be healthier and happier for the long term. We hope by providing HR leaders with these free assessments, it will give them the confidence to get their colleagues involved in recognising the value and impact of a personalised approach.�

If you�re an HR leader and want to book a free HAWQScore assessment*, simply click on the link HERE and the team at HAWQ will get in touch.


The HAWQscore is calculated by scoring employees within two modalities:

  • Lifestyle analysis:

Confidential self-reported assessment covering areas such as sleep, nutrition, lifestyle factors, everyday habits, movement, exercise and mental health.

  • In-person testing:

Following the lifestyle analysis, HAWQ�s specialist team of physiologists conduct individual employee testing which utilizes gold-standard scientific and medically-astute methods to assess memory, attention, flexibility, balance, strength, cardiovascular fitness (using specialist VO2 Max testing), blood sugar, blood pressure, lung capacity and much more. This is done with employee confidentiality at its core and personalised to each individuals� requirements and goals.

The Application

Once HAWQ has calculated an employee�s HAWQscore, its team of experts create bespoke programming and coaching that guides individuals on how to increase their score over a sustainable time. This works alongside company-wide group programming which supports the whole business � so every member of the team reaps the benefits of one-to-one and group training support.

The Results

In its first year of operating, HAWQ has successfully supported clients with positive results:

  • Movement:� 23% increase in number of exercise sessions, 12% increase in daily physical activity levels
  • Cardiovascular health: 50% employees increased their HRV, with an average improvement of 9ms and 50% of employees reduced their resting heart rate, with an average 4bpm reduction
  • Sleep: 83% of employees improved at least one sleep variable and 66% increased time spent in bed and sleep consistency, with an average increase of 43 minutes in bed
  • Recovery: 83% of employees increased average daily recovery, with an average increase of 12%


Lisa Baker

Author Lisa Baker

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